Big Rock Charity Carobell, Inc.

The Big Rock Foundation has been helping Carobell, Inc’s Station Club Enterprise expand its possibilities for more than 25 years. Located in Morehead City, Station Club Enterprise is a private, non-profit 501 (c)3 organization serving adults with cognitive impairments and developmental disabilities.

Funds received through these generous donations provided by the Big Rock Foundation have afforded Carobell/Station Club the possibilities to expand our capabilities to provide our members with choices of tasks/activity opportunities and to reach out with new ideas and concepts. This truly fulfills our mission, which is to provide self-directed supports for members with intellectual developmental disabilities, empowering them to reach their fullest potential.

Past donations have enabled Station Club to purchase many needed items for our members such as iPads, a laptop computer, and accessories to assist them in developing technology skills and increasing problem-solving skills.

All of Carobell/Station Club staff and members alike are extremely appreciative of this continual community support. A big thank you goes to our steadfast community friends, Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament.

Jim Kuhn
Adult Day Coordinator
Carobell/Station Club Enterprise